
Jack Moore Award

Jack Moore Award is a lifetime achievement award, named after CADA's first President, recognizing longstanding efforts on behalf of the organization in working with both student leaders and advisors as well as serving CADA statewide.

          2024 Jack Moore Award Recipient

       Don Dagne


Scan To Watch Don's Jack Moore Video

Past Jack Moore Award Recipients
(for a complete list, please contact CADA Central)

2024 Don Dagne
2023 Paul Chylinski
2022 Janet Roberts
2021 Jose Duenas
2020 Robin Lee-Ramirez
2019 Cindy Bader
2018 Tiburcio Garcia
2017 Ola King-Claye
2016 Patty Judge
2015 Michael Pattison
2014 Cal Meek
2013 Ron Jones
2012 Linda Westfall
2011 Bob Beale
2010 Jim Nyberg
2009 Al Rose
2008 J. Peter Cahn
2007 Rod Rodriguez
2006 Jack Ziegler
2005 Bob Martin
2004 Stephanie Cereceres
2003 Barbara Murad
2002 Tony Ortega
2001 Jody Warne-Ellison
2000 Genel Wokal
1999 Jim Lockner