

registration now open


Early Rate*

Regular Rate

Late Rate

Student Prices:
4 to a room   $475/student  $500/student  $525/student 
3 to a room $500/student $525/student $550/student
2 to a room $550/student $575/student $600/student
1 to a room $650/student $675/student $700/student
Advisors Prices:
2 to a room  $450/advisor  $475/advisor  $500/advisor 
1 to a room $575/advisor $600/advisor $625/advisor

*By Registering for the early rate, you understand there are no refunds/no exceptions.
If you want the option to cancel and get a refund delegates should register at the regular or late rate.
Registration is intended for schools to register as a delegate and not for individual students to register. Each school must be a CADA member to register unless coming from out of California. 

click here for registration forms

CADA/CASL Memorial Scholarship

CADA/CASL provides several scholarships each year to further promote growth and student leadership. Sponsored by CADA, we will offer students a chance to win a scholarship to CASL State Conference and/or CADA Leadership Camps.
CASL Deadline: Check back for more details.
CAMP Deadline: Check back for more details.

Application Process!
All applications will be submitted online and are now Advisor recommended. Limit 1 application per school. 


registration fee includes

2025 CASL Conference deadlines

cancellation & refund policies

Cancellations Prior to the Conference: Refunds may be given with written notice received no later than March 14, 2025. There are no refunds on anyone who registered at the early rate. There will be a $50 administrative fee per person deducted from your refund. Please send cancellation requests to info@cada1.org. All attendees must cancel their registration regardless of if payment has been submitted OR NOT – if you fail to cancel your registration you will be required to pay for your conference registration.

Substitutions: Substitutions will only be accepted in writing with a replacement delegate. All substitutes are subject to a $35 administration fee and must be received by March 21, 2025, with complete paperwork. You must provide a delegate of the same gender to replace you and he/she must provide all completed and signed forms. You are responsible for finding your replacement delegate. Please click here to submit your substitution request.

2025 CASL Conference Policies

Please take a moment to review all the CASL Conference Policies for important information about the CASL Conference.

additional resources


Contact CADA Cental
Call: 831.464.4891
Email: info@cada1.org