; Convention 2021 Professional Development: Fresno Pacific University Course | CADA

Convention 2021 Professional Development: Fresno Pacific University Course

CADA Professional Development

with Fresno Pacific University

Convention 2021: The Leadership Mixtape

Post-convention assignments are due no later than April 2, 2021.

First Name *
Last Name *
School *
Email Address *
Cell Phone *
Select which course you completed. *

Verification of Attendance at Convention Sessions
For the 3-unit course, you were required to attend and/or view recordings for 37.5 hours of Convention sessions; for the 2-unit course, you were required to attend and/or view recordings of at least 25 hours of Convention sessions; for the 1-unit course, you were required to attend and/or view recordings of at least 12.5 hours of Convention sessions, including workshops, general sessions, exhibit hall connections, area meetings, speakers, and networking events. By checking the box below, you confirm you attended and/or viewed the required number of sessions to satisfy the requirements of the course. 

Verification of Hours *
Type your name to indicate your Digital Signature confirming certification of hours. *

Reflective Essay (Both Courses)
Write a reflective essay regarding your Convention experience. Topics should include, but not limited to:

  • Personal goals for professional development prior to convention.
  • Evaluation of the content of sessions attended and description of ways you can use the new ideas learned back at your campus.
  • Plan for a specific change you intend to implement on campus in the upcoming year.
Upload your reflective essay (word, pdf, etc) *

Lesson Plan (2 and 3-Unit Course Only)
Develop a lesson plan to introduce students to a leadership-based concept learned at the convention.
Lesson plans will be shared on a CADA public domain, such as the Resource Library or social media platform for other CADA members to utilize. 


Upload your Lesson Plan (word, pdf, etc)
Please check which CADA Leadership Standards strand your lesson plan aligns with (hold Ctrl to select multiples):
Please give at least 3 keywords that someone could use to search for this lesson.

Project Choice (3-Unit Course Only)

Choose one of the following:

  • Video or Podcast: Create a 5-minute video or podcast. Use the video to creatively communicate what you learned at the convention. The video or podcast may include interviews with fellow activities directors, presenters, and/or student leaders.
  • Presentation: Create a presentation introducing content learned from the convention. Must be at least 10 slides.
  • Interview: Design an interview and interview 3 people with questions related to student leadership and your school’s activities program and tied in to something you learned during the convention. After interviewing, write a 2-3 page summary of the interviews.
Upload your Choice project.
Or, provide a link to your Choice project (i.e. if you uploaded a video to YouTube or Google Drive)

Fields marked with * are required.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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