; Frequently Asked Questions | CADA


How is rooming arranged, specifically, will my STUDENTS' ROOMS be close to mine in the hotel?

We work closely with the hotel to request your students’ rooms are adjacent to yours – however, we cannot guarantee it. Since you hold the primary responsibility for your student’s safety and conference behavior, it makes sense to have their rooms as close to yours as they can be. We will also provide (optional) signs for you to place on your conference attendees’ doors (listing your name, and if you choose, phone number) so you can be reached quickly in the event of a concern.

We plan to arrive early. Will we be able to store our luggage prior to the conference?

Yes! We appreciate the fact many of you will travel a great distance to come to our amazing conference! You will be able to store your luggage in either your vehicle (if you drive) or in one of our pre-conference storage rooms until sleeping rooms become available. Our luggage storage rooms will open at approximately 10:00 A.M., giving you time to get some lunch in a nearby restaurant before the conference begins. (We will also have a storage option for luggage on the last day until the conference ends. More detailed information about this will be provided for you at the conference.)

I’ve never attended the CASL Conference before … how will I know where to go/what to do?

Every year new schools join the CASL Family by attending the conference, and we try to make the conference as user-friendly as possible. Upon check-in, you will receive a detailed program that outlines the times, place, and purpose of the conference events. In addition, we will have daily advisor meetings to answer questions and provide you with more detailed information. Our friendly CASL State Board is also always willing to help answer your questions and provide you with assistance throughout the conference. 

we live near by - do we have to stay at the hotel? 

This is a residence program only. All participants are required to stay in the conference hotel with the rest of the delegates. No Exceptions.   

We don’t have a candidate running for office at the conference. Is it really important that we attend the elections meetings?

Yes! Your CASL State Board addresses your students’ interests throughout the year. It is important your students get to know the candidates and use their voices to select the board that will represent them in the year ahead. In addition, it may encourage your students to take the next step in their leadership training by running for office in the future.

I have heard an evening event during the conference includes an offsite trip. Are we responsible for getting our students to and from this venue?

No! A valuable component of the CASL Conference is an all-expenses (food, transportation, attractions) paid trip to an offsite event. For the 2025 CASL Conference we will be traveling to Great America. The park will be exclusive to us and not open to the public. Great America is a short walk from the convention center. Rides will include Flight Deck, Rue Le Dodge, Carousel Columbia, Celebration Swings, Patriot, Gold Striker and a buffet dinner! 

Will there be additional costs involved once we get to the conference?

Actually, almost everything is included in your conference registration fees. Beginning with dinner on the first night, through breakfast on the last day of the conference, all meals are provided.  Room reservation costs are also included in your registration. Additionally, every conference attendee will be provided with a conference t-shirt, and will participate in an all-expenses (except for souvenirs and additional treats) paid trip to an offsite event. Students might have the opportunity to purchase novelties at the offsite event, extra CASL sweatshirts/t-shirts, and snacks in the hotel gift shop if they choose to.

Should I send all of my students to a workshop together?

Actually, CASL will have already made “reservations” for your students at a variety of workshops – before you arrive!  You will receive a ticket for every student to attend each of the six scheduled workshops. During school meeting times, you can assign the tickets to particular students or have your students discuss how to distribute the tickets amongst themselves. We will provide you with a variety of tickets so your students will be able to bring back a number of different ideas to your school. Download workshop list.

I hear that the CASL Conference is an outstanding experience for students, but will there be an opportunity for me to network with other advisors for advice/ideas/information?

You bet! We will provide a number of advisor networking opportunities throughout the conference. It will be a great place/time for you to exchange ideas, meet other advisors, and get rejuvenated for the rest of the school year! The exact times and places for these opportunities will be outlined in your conference program.

What should we bring?

Wondering what you need to bring. Download the packing list.

We are curious about how we can find out more about Meet the Pros, Elections, and the Outstanding Activities Program Award. Where can we access that information?

This website – www.caslboard.com -- is a great place to keep updated on all kinds of CASL Conference information before, during, and after the conference. In addition, you can access the CASL Facebook Fanpage at www.facebook.com/CASLFan.  We regularly add current information to both of these sites in order to provide you with helpful advice. The Facebook Fan Page is also a place where you can get answers to your questions quickly and efficiently!

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