; Hall of Fame | CADA

Hall of Fame

The CADA Hall of Fame has been established to honor members of the organization who have distinguished themselves in service to their profession through exemplary service to their students, to their school and to the CADA organization. 

The 2024 Hall of Fame Recipients are

                         Margaret Norian                                                    Raven Coit

CADA Hall of Fame

Dave Adams Jo Forsyth Tony Ortega
Aubrey Allen Yvette Gehant Derek Padilla
RogerRogerRogerRoger Anton John Gibson Tom Palmer
MaryAnn Archbold Gary Goff Tom Panzio
Angela Ashbrenner Al Grass Richard Parkhouse
Barbara Atwood Craig Grivel Karen Pearson
Gerry Aust Shelley Henderson Jean Phillippe
Diane Aust Christy Hertsch Bill Poldevin
Linda Ayerza Gage Hewes Robin Ramirez
Cindy Bader Lynette Hovland Janet Roberts
Fred Barton Particia  Holt John Rodriguez
CindyBill Battaglia Gloria Jones Al Rose
Bob Beale Ron Jones Jim Setterland
Harry Bettencourt Patty Judge Don Shaffer
Frank Borrego Rick Kent Stu Shaffer
Elmer Brown Dottie Kraus Mike Shragg
Bob Burton Joanne Laird John Simas
J. Peter Cahn Larry Laird Bill Smith
Bill Calder Toosjie Lamoreaux Don Soelberg
Bonnie Kay Calder Mark Lantz Steve Southhard
Stephanie Cereceres Bob Lloyd Warren Stevenson
Vahl Clemenson James Lockner Darrel Stillwagon
Paul Chylinski Jon Lucero Bill Tangeman
Jim Coiner Steve Mangini Bill Thomas
Raven Coit Bob Martin Phalba Thomas
Bob Collins Bob McAlister Dee Varela
Mary Cook Susan McCance Bob Vincent
Linda Cooper John McNichols Mark Vincent
Kathy Curtwright Cal Meek Annemarie Weaver
John Deavers Susan Moerder Connie Weeks
Jose Duenas Floyd Moore Mike White
John Dunleavy Jack Moore Milt White
Tom Dusek Matt Mueller Charlie Williams
Dian Edens Barbara Murad Genel Wokal
Lauretta Eldridge Richard Noblett Howard Zinn
Alden Esping Margaret Norian
Linda Esping Gene Nye
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