About CADA
The California Association of Directors of Activities began when a few student council advisors got together to share common problems and solutions. Since that weekend in 1957 CADA has grown into the largest statewide support network for Activity Directors in the nation.
About CASL
The California Association of Student Leaders was developed as a CADA Board project to provide a forum for student expression. Since 1996, CASL has been governed by a regionally elected student board of 14 directors and assistant directors and 3 elected officers, under the sponsorship of CADA with guidance from an adult advisory board. www.casl1.org
CADA Convention
The CADA Convention is the highlight of the year for CADA members. Each year thousands of activities directors, leadership teachers, and administrators descend on the CADA State Convention, and in 2024 we celebrated 60 years of CADA Conventions. Checkout CADA's 60th Anniversary tribute video.