; Resource Library | Speaker Handout Form | CADA

Resource Library | Speaker Handout Form

Preferred resource share for Convention: A "live" link to a digital presentation (i.e. Google Slides, Canva Presentation, etc) or a link to a "live" doc (i.e. Google doc) which you can edit up until your presentation day (post full URL in the website link section).

We can also accept pdf files of a session handout. Large PowerPoint files will be converted to a reduced size pdf and any embedded links may not work. 

Also, please take a few minutes to categorize which CADA Standards and Common Core Standards it aligns with, and give at least 3 keywords that someone might search for if your resource is uploaded to our Resource Library. 

  CADA Speaker Handout Submission Form

Please designate which event this handout is for. *
Session Title *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Co-Present First Name
Co-Presenter Last Name
Please upload a PDF, PowerPoint, Prezi, Word Document, etc. (non-PDF files will be converted to PDF)
Document #2
Document #3

Or, share your website link or "live" link(s)
i.e. Google Slides, Site, Doc, Canva Presentation, etc.

If your handout/resource/presentation is on your website or a live document (like a Google doc/site/etc), please paste the web address below:
Second website or live document (like a Google doc/site/etc), please paste the web address below:
Third website or live document (like a Google doc/site/etc), please paste the web address below:
Please check which CADA Standard your session aligns with: (Hold Ctrl to select multiples) *
What, if any, Common Core Leadership Standard does this session support? (Hold Ctrl to select multiples)
What areas of the Master Activity Advisor (MAA) Program does this session support? (Hold Ctrl to select multiples.) *
Please give at least 3 Keywords that someone could use to search for this document. (i.e Rally, SEL, Team Building, Service Learning, Culture, Diversity, Technology, etc.) *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
You have characters left.
State Convention Only: Please indicate in which session block(s) you are presenting. (Hold Ctrl to select multiples.)

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Please enter the text from the image into the box below.
Note: the characters are case-sensitive.

Fields marked with * are required.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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